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                                                       06/03/2014 Attack to the U.N.













































06/03/2014 Attack to the U.N. - Crimea zone.



Attack sent the UN in Crimea.


The Delegation has to leave the area for security reasons.





Atacan a los enviados de la O.N.U. en Crimea.


La Delegación tiene que abandonar la zona por motivos de seguridad.





NEW YORK-—The United Nations special envoy to Crimea was threatened by a group of 15-20 unidentified men, some armed, who told him to leave Crimea as he was walking out of the Ukrainian Naval headquarters in the regional capital on Wednesday, a senior U.N. official said.Jan Eliasson, the deputy secretary-general, told reporters in New York via a link from Kiev that Robert Serry, the U.N. envoy, was surrounded by the men, who said he should go immediately to the airport. Instead Mr. Serry got into his car, which the men prevented from leaving, and then went by foot to his hotel, Mr. Eliasson said.



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